Friday, October 2, 2009

Virtualization - New Age Coming

During my recent project experience, I was introduced to this wonderful concept of virtualization. This concept allows one to install the true installations of "guest OSes" on a host OS. For example one can install Windows XP, Windows 2003 server on a PC running Windows Vista. What's more you could install the Linux flavours too! And the best part is that you could setup a virtual lab of these systems!!

Leading software provider of virtualization is VMWare. However, VirtualBox from Sun (Oralce??) offeres a free and GNU/GPL license for use. What then? I have installed VirtualBox on the laptop. The laptop runs the office version of Windows Vista and I have installed Ubuntu as the guest inside VirtualBox. In a few days I plan to setup a mini lab of my own, depending on how the hardware fares ;)

Below is a screen shot of the setup. Check out the Vista logo in the bottom left corner... and the Ubuntu desktop covering the entire screen. In fact, I am posting this blog from within Ubuntu!

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