Saturday, April 26, 2008

Unbearable Weather

It is April end and summer time is in, and pretty badly. The heat wave is on with no respite. Summers in Delhi bring along with it shortage of many things, electricity, water, fruits, vegetables, the temper and patience of the Delhites. The last two are anyway short in supply perennially in this city.

Also, it is the time when there is shortage of holidays from office. For example, after "May Day", the next off is on 15th of August... Grr!!!. I think I will use some from my quota of annual leaves. How much I miss those summer holidays during my school days....

Summer evenings (especially when there is an occasional "Andhi") also reminds me of my 'realization'.... hmmmm.....

ऐसे हिज्र के मौसम कब कब आते हैं,
तेरे इलावा याद हमें सब आतें हैं|

तुम आओ तो सही...

This blog of mine, would be saying to me the same thing... एक वादा करो अब हमसे ना बिछड़ोगे कभी, नाज़ हम सारे उठा लेंगे, तुम आओ तो सही। An...