Saturday, January 5, 2008

Awakened Consciousness

I do not know which of the two it was that triggered it. The development of the situation or the 'maqta' by Qateel Shifai. Whatever be the root cause, I have decided to put my foot down. I will not do things that I do not want to do. Also, no beating about the bush, straight talk and demands placed with a bold face.

Let us see how the other side responds.

By the way the 'maqta' in question:

जागा हुआ ज़मीर वो आईना है 'क़तील',
सोने से पहले रोज़ जिसे देखता हूँ मैं|

तुम आओ तो सही...

This blog of mine, would be saying to me the same thing... एक वादा करो अब हमसे ना बिछड़ोगे कभी, नाज़ हम सारे उठा लेंगे, तुम आओ तो सही। An...