Sunday, September 27, 2009

Second Chance and more

There are few relations, that are always there for you. Like your parents and God (or whatever power you believe is equivalent to that).

Even after thousands of mistakes, if you go to them and accept your wrongdoing they will forgive you. Why? Because it is unselfish love, something that is very difficult to cultivate with every other person. When you do enter into such a relationship, ego on either side is lost somewhere in a deep dark corner and you are filled with an overall pleasant feeling.

I thank God, for making me so fortunate!

By the way, here is a video on the same lines. From "Colonial Cousins", featuring Hariharan and Leslie Lewis. The part of Hariharan is a classical Kannada song, "Krishna Nee Begane, Baaro", composed by Vyasaraya Tirtha in the late 15th century A.D. The meaning translates roughly as: "Krishna! You come soon"

Winter, Rain, Evening and Night

 Today, it rained in the evening. These winter rains bring down the alarming pollution levels of this metropolis. I hear that the emergency ...