Friday, August 28, 2009

Travel Time Again!

Well, next week would be travel time again. This time to Sweden for around 3 months or so. They say it is already cold there and going to get even more colder by the coming months.

We will be off to a city named Linköping. Work there should be hectic, and let us hope it is hectic. The laziness and the lethargy gained here in Athlone, would wear off somewhat.

Also, starting to get excited about December. The counter says:
14 weeks, 06 days, 19 hours, 38 minutes 48 seconds, and 288 milliseconds
but she says that it is not going to be before 07:30 in the evening that "shubho-drishti" shall take place. Hmmmm......

Also what is this fuss that I hear about dependent visa in Ireland??? God!! I pray to you! please....

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I started to read about HTML 5 since yesterday. It promises to bring revolutionary changes in the way we write mark-up code for our browsers to render the hitherto "static" web pages. What interests me specially are the new video, audio and the canvas tags.

Watched the seminar held by the Google guys involved in the development of Google Chrome regarding the HTML 5 support in that browser, for the future. Most impressive.

I also got to know that Firefox has started to provide support for the video and the audio tags from version 3.5.2 onwards. So here it goes... listen to the promo of "Inteha". The player you see below is from a pure HTML tag (the audio tag). No flash plugin involved, no Silverlight or Shockwave either.... :D... And if you are seeing a "Your browser does not support the new HTML 5 audio tag yet." message.. then that is what it means.. Grin, Grin...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Countdown timer to the Kaaboom day of my life


From my very first days of programming the 8085 micro-processor and later on the 8051 microconrtollers, the x86 family and the Pentium micro-processors, I have a facination for the digital timers and counters. Well, decided to program this one in javascript. It is a down-counter, with a large number of bits in its register bank!!

The code is obfuscated, though you guyz using your grey cells may not require much of an effort to decode it. I hope. Grin, Grin!!!

Winter, Rain, Evening and Night

 Today, it rained in the evening. These winter rains bring down the alarming pollution levels of this metropolis. I hear that the emergency ...