Monday, April 25, 2011

Boredom and Work

Seven years and some months, it seems that I am still doing the same sort of work that I did when I had started. It is not that there were not times when I have had opportunity to work on interesting things, but in majority it has been the same boring stuff, 'fixing broken things' (named various things in service companies).

This routine work is probably a result because I have yet not worked with a product based organisation. I enjoyed a short stint working with our client, when we developed a nice product. 'Enhancements' are the nearest I have worked on in services company. 'Deliveries' are the next boring things I have faced. When, how and why they are planned still remains a mystery to me.

By the way, there have been some new services introduced in Google App Engine. Will be exploring them in due course of time.

Tich! Tich!, have office tomorrow :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spot rain and a ghazal symphony

It is suddenly raining with thunderstorm here in Delhi. It was predicted by our MET department. Satellite images are made available on their website, with periodic updates. It is a welcome respite from the rising heat, though surprisingly, it has still not got that warm here till now.

JS is going to perform a first ever "Ghazal Symphony" of some sort in Gurgaon, today. I am not attending of course, as I have resolved not to attend any of his concerts in the NCR region. Concerts here are mostly a platform for JS propaganda. JS only performs from his selected list of ghazals, which frankly look stale now. His real worth is when he picks classic Urdu poetry and renders them in perfect style, capturing the true poetic mood.

Anyways, here is a near full page add of one of the leading dailies today about that concert.

Winter, Rain, Evening and Night

 Today, it rained in the evening. These winter rains bring down the alarming pollution levels of this metropolis. I hear that the emergency ...