Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Unlimited Happiness

Life is such that, a small event in one's life can bring unlimited happiness. It is just a single line in a 22 page visa decision page document, that changed the mood of one entire family!

Well so far so good, waiting and hoping the rest from here on goes off smoothly.

1 comment:

  1. i dont know about anyone , but that was the life's most beautiful time for me. because honestly i realise the value of love for you whhen i was apart from you.


तुम आओ तो सही...

This blog of mine, would be saying to me the same thing... एक वादा करो अब हमसे ना बिछड़ोगे कभी, नाज़ हम सारे उठा लेंगे, तुम आओ तो सही। An...